SearchBlox Docker Image

SearchBlox can run within a Docker container.


SearchBlox requires at least 10GB disk space, 16GB RAM and 4 CPUs.

Steps to run SearchBlox within the Docker container

  1. Install docker desktop on your system.
  1. Once the installation is complete launch the docker desktop application.
  2. Click on the Images tab on the left side and then select Remote Repositories and select searchblox

  1. Click on pull on the right-hand side corresponding to the searchblox/searchblox image.
    Use the docker pull command if you use docker CLI mode: docker pull searchblox/searchblox:v10.6.0.17

  2. Once the image is pulled it will show up in the Local tab.

  1. Run the docker image using the following command in command prompt:
    docker run -p 8443:8443 -p 8444:8444 -p 8446:8446 searchblox/searchblox:v10.6.0.17

  1. Open the SearchBlox Admin console with the following link once SearchBlox starts
  1. Open Connectors Framework console with the following link

SearchBlox Installation on Docker using third-party Elasticsearch Integration

We recommend you use the latest version of Elasticsearch, considering security reasons. SearchBlox is tested with the latest Elasticsearch v7.17 on Elastic Cloud and Amazon OpenSearch Service.

Elastic Cloud

The command to pull docker image to run SearchBlox using Elastic Cloud

docker pull searchblox/searchblox:searchblox-enterprise-search-elastic-cloud-10.6

Command reference to run the pulled docker image is

docker run -e ES_HOST_NAME=<elastic cloud endpoint> -e ES_HOST_PORT=<elastic-cloud-port> -e ES_USR=<elastic-cloud-username> -e ES_PWD=<elastic-cloud-password> -p 8443:8443 -p <elastic-cloud-port>:<elastic-cloud-port> -p 8446:8446 -p 8444:8444 searchblox/searchblox:searchblox-enterprise-search-elastic-cloud-10.6

In the above command -e is used to specify the environment variables, -p is used to expose the port numbers outside the docker container.

All the environment variables are mandatory while using the docker run command. List of environment variables used in the command:

Variable NameDescription
ES_HOST_NAMEThe Elastic Cloud endpoint
ES_HOST_PORTPort number of the Elastic Cloud
ES_USRUsername of the Elastic Cloud account
ES_PWDThe password of the Elastic Cloud account

AWS Elasticsearch

The command to pull docker image to run SearchBlox using AWS Elasticsearch is:

docker pull searchblox/searchblox:searchblox-enterprise-search-aws-elasticsearch-service-10.6

Command reference to run the pulled docker image is:

docker run -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY=<access-key> -e AWS_SECRET_KEY=<secret-key> -e AWS_ES_ENDPOINT=<aws-elastic-endpoint> -e AWS_REGION=<aws-region> -p 8443:8443 -p 8446:8446 searchblox/searchblox:searchblox-enterprise-search-aws-elasticsearch-service-10.6

In the above command -e is used to specify the environment variables, -p is used to expose the port numbers outside the docker container.

All the environment variables are mandatory while using the docker run command. List of environment variables used:

Variable NameDescription
AWS_ACCESS_KEYThe access key of the account where the AWS Elasticsearch is created.
AWS_SECRET_KEYThe secret key of the AWS Elasticsearch account
AWS_ENDPOINTThe AWS Elasticsearch endpoint
AWS_REGIONThe AWS Elasticsearch hosted region



You can go inside the docker container and configure Elasticsearch settings within the SearchBlox YAML files and execute the run command without using environment variables.
SearchBlox for Elastic Cloud
SearchBlox for AWS Elasticsearch

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