Salesforce Data Source

Configuring SearchBlox

Before using Salesforce Data Source, install SearchBlox successfully and create a Custom Collection.


Configuring Salesforce Application

  • To authenticate using OAuth, you must create a connected app that defines your application’s OAuth settings for the Salesforce organization.
    Please refer the link Defining Connected App
  • Make sure you set IP Relaxation setting to “ Relax IP Restrictions“ - as shown in screenshot
  • Please Enable OAuth Settings and under Enable OAuth settings, make sure you select "Full Access" for selected OAuth scopes as shown in the following:
  • Please make sure that you can view /change salesforce version under setup>Build>Develop>Apex classes>New>Version Settings.

Configuration details of Salesforce Data Source

Accessing Connector UI



In Linux, make sure that necessary permissions have been provided to the folder /opt by using the CHMOD command for writing log files and executing jar files.

usernameUser Name in Salesforce
passwordPassword in Salesforce
data-directoryData Folder where the data needs to be stored. Make sure it has write permission.
api-keySearchBlox API Key
colnameThe name of the custom collection in SearchBlox.
urlSearchBlox URL
versionSalesforce API version to be used
clientIdSalesforce Client ID
clientSecretSalesforce Client Secret