Hybrid Search Plugin

Hybrid Search Plugin is a standard search plugin with support for hybrid search. The search icon under Manage Collection section on each collection redirects to the Hybrid Search Plugin and Auto Relevance should be enabled for this. Auto Relevance can be enabled from Settings tab of each collection.

Hybrid-Search plugin can be accessed from https://localhost:8443/hybrid-search/

https:## Settings

The settings you can perform on Hybrid Search are listed here:

  • Weight ratio of keyword:vector search for hybrid search can be controlled within the Hybrid Search Settings.

  • Default value for Hybrid Search is weighed at 80% keyword and 20% vector.

  • You can perform a pure Keyword Search or a pure Vector Search by dragging the control to their corresponding ends and hitting Apply.

  • Facets are enabled only when the search is purely keyword. The facet display is hidden by default and can be viewed by clicking on the toggle.



If the plugin has SearchAI chatbot configured, every search returns an LLM-generated answer, displayed alongside any available SmartFAQs as shown in the following screenshot.