SearchAI Agents Installation

Steps to Set-Up SearchAI Agents

  1. Navigate to /opt and Download and unzip the SearchAI-Agents folder from the following link:
    SearchAI Agents
  2. Load the downloaded images into Docker by executing the following command:
    docker load --input searchai-agents-builder.tar
    docker load --input searchai-agents-viewer.tar
  3. To verify or ensure the images are successfully loaded, run the following command:(which lists the images)
    docker images
  4. Navigate to /opt/searchai-agents/.env and edit the following lines from .env file with the deployed URLs:
    NOTE: Replace <ADD DEPLOYED IP_ADDRESS HERE> with the ip-address of the server where SearchAI Agents is deployed.
  5. Navigate to /opt/ searchai-agents/docker-compose.yml and modify docker-compose.yml file with the new images. Update the image fields for agent-builder and agent-viewer to match the SearchAI Agents version as shown below:
    image: agent-builder:<latest version number>
    Example: image: agent-builder:v1.3
    image: agent-viewer:<latest version number>
    Example : image: agent-viewer:v1.3
  6. To start the Docker containers run the following command:
    nohup docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up &
  7. Navigate to the SearchBlox installation path /opt/searchblox/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/searchai-config.yml and edit searchai-config.yml file with the ip-address of the server whereSearchAI Agents is deployed from the previous steps.
    searchai-agents-server: <ADD DEPLOYED server IP address>:8080
    NOTE: Replace <ADD DEPLOYED server IP address> with the ip-address of the server where SearchAI Agents is deployed.
  8. Reload the system daemon to apply changes by running the following command:
    systemctl deamon-reload
  9. Start the SearchBlox service by running the following command:
    systemctl start searchblox