Definitions of common terms used with the SearchBlox Software.
Term | Term Definition |
SearchBlox Enterprise Search | SearchBlox Enterprise Search Server is an integrated application incorporating everything you need to run SearchBlox. |
Cluster | SearchBlox Cluster is combined setup of Searchblox individual Servers. SearchBlox cluster includes an Index Server and 2 Search Servers. The Index Server synchronizes search indices in multiple instances of Search Servers across numerous physical or virtual machines. The Index Server provides the ability for continuous crawling of data sources while the Search Servers provides an always ON search service. |
Collection | SearchBlox Collection is a group of documents indexed according to a set of rules and paths. |
Collection Index | Crawling behaviour of SearchBlox spider for a collection is known as Collection Indexing. |
Document | A document is a source of information which holds an ID. It can be a web page, a local file, Database/CSV record or any other CMS source page. A document is also known as a Search Result w.r.t Search functionality. |
Search | An attempt to find the documents through Search Template or an API using a search term. |
Click | A successful attempt to open or access the collection document via the search results section is considered a click. |
Featured Result | SearchBlox Featured Result is a sponsored-like search document. When configured, Featured Results allow highlighting of links in the search results page when the user searches for specific words or keywords. |
Featured Result - Keywords URL | Featured results will consider the keywords from the web page's keywords meta tag. |
Embed Search | Embed search is a mechanism of generating ready-to-use search integration code within your website or application based on a specific criteria. |
Relevance Tuning | Relevance Tuning is a process of finding the search tuning pattern for better search results ordering. We use SearchBlox tune parameters to create Tuning Template. |
MRank | Manual Ranking or MRank used to define the ordering of search results at specific positions on the search page based on a query. |
Search Template | Search template is a package where a set of rules are defined for the search results display functionality. |
Facets | Facets are the filters defined to narrow down the search page results based on a specific criteria. |
Analytics | Analytics is the medium to generate reports based on user search and click history. |
Insights | SearchBlox insights are model reports generated using user search and click history. They provide information regarding user experience, search patterns, and click patterns. |
SearchAI | SearchAI is an advanced AI-driven search engine that can index and search content from over 236+ different data sources. The result is a superior search experience that finds the most relevant information as quickly as possible. |
PreText | Pretext NLP is a process of generating metadata which is more rich & insightful while performing a search from different perspectives. This pipeline utilizes millions of untapped resources and enriches the “data” into “knowledge” using AI models. |
SmartSuggest | SearchAI SmartSuggest will provide on-type suggestions for search queries by understanding your website context using machine learning algorithms internally. |
SmartFAQs | SmartFAQs™ automatically eliminates the most annoying parts of creating and maintaining FAQs. Keep users on your site with a unified search experience. |
Answers | SearchAI Answers understands natural language and provides a direct answer using a model we create with your content. |
Personalization | Searchblox provides optimized and relevant search with the added personalization factor. |
ChatBot | SearchAI Chatbot uses your existing content and Natural Language Processing (NLP) to build your conversational model to help customer with accurate search content. |
SearchBlox Realm | SearchBlox Realm is a secure search mechanism based on internal authentication available on SearchBlox. The search page can be accessed by authorized SearchBlox users. |
AutoComplete | Autocomplete is a on-type search suggestion feature and the suggestions can be fetched from content or title field of indexed data or even from the search history. |
Term Highlight | Process of highlighting the user input terms within the search page. |
Stop Words | Stop-words are defined as non-information-bearing words. When indexing and searching, these words will be ignored. Each language has its own stop-word list. |
Synonyms | Synonyms are the reflected words which helps to identify relevant documents related to the search term, even if the search term is not available directly in the indexed documents. |
Data Fields | Data Fields are the custom facet fields which can be added through the Admin console from a collection specific page. |
Debug Mode | Debug is a search parameter which enables the JSON response view format with any Search Template. |
API-KEY | API-KEY is access key to perform any REST API actions. It's Unique and Specific to product. |
Private Key or SB-PKEY | SB-PKEY or Private Key is a header key added for additional security to perform API operations. It is unique and specific to SearchBlox Admin role user. |
Sensitive Role/Group | Senstive Role/Group user is authorized to view/access the encrypted collection content. |
SSO | Single Sign-On (SSO) is an authentication method that allows users to securely authenticate to multiple apps and websites using a single set of credentials. |
Datasource | SearchBlox Datasource is an additional resource provided to index content from applications that are not directly supported by SearchBlox through collections. |
Email Viewer | Ability to view the PST archived Email messages using SearchBlox view search feature is known as Email viewer. |
PDF Viewer | Ability to access the PDF Documents in the Browser. |
Updated over 2 years ago
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