Connectors UI
Connectors UI
SearchBlox provides connector UI to index content from applications that are not directly supported by SearchBlox through collections.
Run Connectors UI as a service in Windows
- Jump to the following folder
C:\SearchBloxServer\connectors - Run the following command in command prompt
sbconnector-service.exe install - In the Task Manager service tab start the sbconnector service
Run Connectors UI as a service in Linux
- Download the file sbconnector.service to systemd folder and give the access permisssions
cd /lib/systemd/system
chown searchblox:searchblox sbconnector.service
chmod -R 755 sbconnector.service - Start the connector service using following command
systemctl start sbconnector.service - Stop the connector service using following command
systemctl stop sbconnector.service - Status of the connector service can be checked with following command
systemctl status sbconnector.service
Please find the following list of data sources, on clicking the link you would be redirected to the help page
Alfresco Data Source
Amazon S3 Data Source
Azure Blob Data Source
Azure File Data Source
Box Data Source
CSV Data Source
Confluence Data Source
Drupal Data Source
DocuSign Data Source
Generic Entity Updater Data Source
GitHub Data Source
Google Drive Data Source
Google Sites Data Source
JIRA Data Source
One Drive Data Source
Salesforce Data Source
SharePoint 2010 Data Source
Sharepoint 2013 Data Source
SharePoint Online Data Source
URL Data Source
Zendesk Data Source
- Connectors UI will be available in the connectors folder inside the searchblox instance
- Connectors folder will contain a file sbconnector-service.exe which needs to be installed using the
following command. - sbconnector-service install.
- The above step will install connectors UI as a service.
- Now you can start the sbconnector service from the Task Manager service tab.
- Navigate to https://localhost:8446.
Here, by default Connectors UI will be running on 8446 port. You can even change the port in Searchblox/connectors/config.xml file and Searchblox/connectors/sbconnector-service.xml
Create an account
- Click on the “Create an account” button on the home page.
- Enter a new username and password
- And click on “Create an account now”.
Create an endpoint
- After creating an account, click on the "+" icon on the top right to create a new endpoint.
Please create a folder
before creating a endpoint.
- Provide the following details to create an endpoint:
- Endpoint name should be unique for each endpoint created.
- URL, the SearchBlox endpoint (https://localhost:8443/). "localhost" can be replaced with the IP address where SearchBlox is installed.
- API key of the above SearchBlox instance
- SearchBlox Private-Key can be found on the SearchBlox user tab for SBAdmin or Admin Users.
- Make sure the SearchBlox server is up and running before creating an endpoint. Otherwise, it will throw an error.
Create a new Data Source
- Click on “Setup a new Data Source” to create a new data source using a connector of your choice.
- Select the type of Data Source with which you want to index the documents from the UI.
- Provide all mandatory fields and click on Create & Index.
- Make sure you have a corresponding Custom Collection in the SearchBlox server to index the documents.
- State will be RUNNING while the connector is indexing the documents.
- Once the state changes to DONE, navigate to SearchBlox server and confirm if the documents are indexed in that particular Custom Collection.
Updated 11 months ago