Google Drive Collection

SearchBlox includes a crawler to index the documents of a Google Drive account. Google Drive Collection can be created by following the steps given below.



  • Create a Project in Google Account to get KEY File, ServiceAccount ID, Application Name and ServiceAccount User.
  • Provide the Required Permissions to ServiceAccount User to access the files/folders of Google Drive.
  • Share the files/folders with ServiceAccount User.
  • Guidelines to create an ServiceAccount

Creating Google Drive Collection

You can Create a Google Drive Collection with the following steps:

  • After logging in to the Admin Console, select the Collections tab and click on Create a New
    Collection or "+" icon.

  • Choose Google Drive Collection as Collection Type.

  • Enter a unique name for the collection (for example, Drive).

  • Enable/Disable RAG, enable for ChatBot and Hybrid RAG search.

  • Choose Private/Public Collection Access and Collection Encryption as per the requirements.

  • Choose the language of the content (if the language is other than English).

  • Click Save to create the collection.

  • Once the Google Drive collection is created you will be taken to the Authentication tab.

Settings Tab

KEY FileThe File generated by ServiceAccount of Google Drive, while adding a KEY. KEY-FILE can be of the format JSON or PKCS12.
ServiceAccount IDServiceAccount ID is the 'email' of the created ServiceAccount.
Application NameName of the Application, for the created ServiceAccount.
ServiceAccount UserEmail of the User with the permissions to access the files of Google Drive, default is the value of the ServiceAccount ID.
  • Upload the KEY File and provide ServiceAccount ID, Application Name and ServiceAccount User, you can find those values in ServiceAccount of Google Cloud Console.
  • Choose the settings for Generate Using LLM and Hybrid Search.
TitleGenerates concise and relevant titles for the indexed documents using LLM.
DescriptionGenerates the description for indexed documents using LLM.
TopicGenerates relevant topics for indexed documents using LLM based on document's content.
Auto RelevanceEnable/Disable Hybrid Search for automatic relevance ranking

  • Click on Save button and Click on Test Connection.

Schedule and Index

Google Drive collection should be indexed only on shared files/folders. Sets the frequency and the start date/time for indexing a collection. Schedule Frequency supported in SearchBlox is as follows:

  • Once
  • Hourly
  • Daily
  • Every 48 Hours
  • Every 96 Hours
  • Weekly
  • Monthly

The following operation can be performed in Google Drive collections

Enable Scheduler for IndexingOnce enabled, you can set the Start Date and Frequency
ScheduleFor each collection, indexing can be scheduled based on the above options.
View all Collection SchedulesRedirects to the Schedules section, where all the Collection Schedules are listed.

Manage Documents Tab

  • Using Manage Documents tab we can do the following operations:

    1. Filter
    2. View content
    3. View metadata
    4. Refresh
    5. Delete
  • To delete a file from your collection, enter the file path and click "Delete".

  • To see the status of an indexed file, click "View Metadata".

Data Fields Tab

Using Data Fields tab we can create custom fields for search and we can see the Default Data Fields with non-encrypted collection. SearchBlox supports 4 types of Data Fields as listed below:


  • Once the Data fields are configured, collection must be cleared and re-indexed to take effect.

To know more about Data Fields please refer to Data Fields Tab