Installing on Windows

Installation on Windows

  1. Download SearchBlox 10.8 for Windows.
  2. Right-click the searchblox_windows64 file and run as Administrator. Install4j will set up the SearchBlox wizard and start the process for SearchBlox installation.

SearchBlox Installation Wizard starts up.

Choose the SearchBlox installation directory.

Chooses the SearchBlox startup shortcut by default.

SearchBlox installation in progress.

SearchBlox installation is complete.

  1. The installer will install SearchBlox along with Opensearch for this application.

  2. To install SearchAI PrivateLLM , Refer Steps to Install SearchAI PrivateLLM .

  3. Download and extract the ranker model folder from following link:

  4. Navigate to <SearchBlox-installation>/webapps/ROOT/models and place the ranker model downloaded from the previous step.


  • After installation please set JAVA_HOME and environment path variable for Java.


Please Note

If there are other Java versions installed in the system, please remove the references from the path variable.

To set the environment variable

  1. Right-click on My Computer, select Properties and click Advanced System Settings.
  2. On the Advanced tab, select Environment Variables.
  1. Create a new System Variable JAVA_HOME with value C:\SearchBloxServer\jre



  • If SearchBlox is installed on D drive then JAVA_HOME value will be D:\SearchBloxServer\jre
  1. Select Path under System Variable and add %JAVA_HOME%\bin as a new path.

  1. Verify if Java is installed correctly by running the command: java -version

Steps to Install SearchAI PrivateLLM

  1. After the installation of SearchBlox from Installing on Windows section. Navigate to C:\SearchBloxServer\ollama

  2. Download the models folder for Ollama from following link:
    SearchAI PrivateLLM models

  3. Extract the downloaded models folder and navigate to C:\SearchBloxServer\ollama\models.

  4. Replace the models folder with the downloaded one.

  5. Go to C:\SearchBloxServer\ollama and run ollamaSetup.exe.

  6. Set OLLAMA_MODELS and environment path variable as shown in the following:

    • Follow step 1 and 2 from Prerequisites

    • Create a new User Variable OLLAMA_MODELS with value C:\SearchBloxServer\ollama\models

    • Click on OK.

  7. Restart the Windows Server.

  8. After restart, open the following link to checkSearchAI PrivateLLM, default port is 11434.

Start SearchBlox Service



Before starting SearchBlox Service, SearchAI PrivateLLM should be installed and running,to install SearchAI PrivateLLM follow Steps to Install Ollama.

  1. Go to the C:\SearchBloxServer\service folder within the SearchBlox installation.
  2. Right-click the install-service file and run as Administrator. This will install the service.
  1. You can start the SearchBlox service manually from the Control Panel > System and Security > Administrative Tools> Services.
  1. To Start SearchBlox Service, Right-click the Searchblox Enterprise Search and Click start.



  • Restart the Windows Server if you are not able to start SearchBlox.
  • Check if Elasticsearch service is running.
  • SearchBlox service will start automatically upon server restart.
  • After you start the service, wait for 30 seconds then open the link: https://localhost:8443/console/ in your browser to access the SearchBlox Admin Console.
  • You will be taken to the License Agreement page. Click on “I AGREE” at the bottom of the page.
  • You will be taken to Create a Super Admin Create Password Page.

Use the Super Admin password to log in and access the dashboard page.

Verify Installation

  • You can verify if SearchBlox has started successfully by viewing the status.log file in the C:\SearchBloxServer\webapps\ROOT\logs folder.
  • Please confirm the message "SearchBlox Started" is shown in the log.
  • In case of any errors, this log will provide additional information for troubleshooting.

You can see the SearchBlox Account details by clicking the Avatar Icon.



Change SearchBlox Server Port

  • SearchBlox Server runs on port 8443 by default. For secure ports refer Secure Ports used by SearchBlox section on Requirements

You can change the port by following the steps as shown here:

  • Stop SearchBlox service
  • Update C:\SearchBloxServer\start.d\https.ini file and add the below line to set the required port number:
  • Save the https.ini file
  • Start SearchBlox service

SearchBlox Installation on alternate drive or path

We recommend installing SearchBlox in the C:\ drive. Please follow the following steps if you wish to install SearchBlox on a different drive. For example, if you want to install in D:\ drive, follow the below steps:

  1. Download SearchBlox for Windows.
  2. Run the Installation Wizard and give the preferred installation path. By default, it will be C:\SearchBloxServer change it to D:\SearchBloxServer.
  • For the next steps refer Installation on Windows section from step 3 and 4.
  • Set the Java Environment variable for the location (example: D: drive or E: drive).
  • To set the Java Environment variable follow the steps from Prerequisites section.

To update Elasticsearch/Analytics installation path:

  • Go toD:\SearchBloxServer\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF.
  • In searchblox.yml file, in the lines 7, change the value of es.home to D:\SearchBloxServer\opensearch.
# ======================== SearchBlox Configuration =========================
searchblox.deployment.type: onPrem localhost
searchblox.elasticsearch.port: 9200
searchblox.elasticsearch.basic.username: xxxxxxxxxx
searchblox.elasticsearch.basic.password: xxxxxxxxxxx
es.home: D:\SearchBloxServer\opensearch

searchblox.refresh_interval: 4s
searchblox.shards: 1
searchblox.replicas: 0
searchblox.http.crawldepth: -1
searchblox.user.expiry: 30

http.lastmodified.header: SearchBlox-Last-modified
  • Now save the searchblox.yml file.
  • To Start the SearchBlox service, go to D:\SearchBloxServer\service and follow the steps from the Start SearchBlox service section.

Uninstall SearchBlox

  1. To Stop the SearchBlox service. Go to Control Panel > System and Security > Administrative Tools> Services.
  1. Go to the C:\SearchBloxServer\service and uninstall SearchBlox service by running uninstall-service as administrator.
  1. Run SearchBlox uninstall.exe file from Installation Directory.

SearchBlox Uninstallation successful.

  1. Delete C:\SearchBloxServer folder for clean uninstall.



After the uninstallation, it is required to restart the machine when prompted. This action will terminate all the existing background services if any.