Hybrid Search API

Hybrid Search API is a standard search API with support for hybrid search and Auto Relevance should be enabled for this. Auto Relevance can be enabled from Settings tab of each collection.






Below given are the basic parameters to use in Hybrid Search API. There are a wide variety of parameters that are supported, please refer Search Parameters

querysearch query
cnamename of the Collection
colcollection id
searchtypecan be keyword/vector/hybrid
v.weightvector weight in double value
v.thresholdvector threshold in double value


X-Correlation-IDA unique identifier that can be sent through the search API request.
The X-Correlation-IDs will be logged in ../webapps/ROOT/logs/query.log and can also be viewed in exported query logs file from SearchBlox Analytics.


The JSON response from SearchBlox by default

Example For Hybrid Search API

URL with Parameters : https://localhost:8443/rest/v2/api/hybrid-search?public=true&query=tools&searchtype=hybrid&v.threshold=0.7&v.weight=0.2


Response :

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