Search Response
Search Response
All information regarding the processed search query is available in the search response. The search response is available in JSON format for new search API and Search Servlet.
New Search API JSON Response
"start" : 1,
"hits" : 218,
"end" : 1,
"facets" : [ {
"facet" : [ {
"count" : 1,
"name" : "keywords",
"int" : [ {
"from" : null,
"count" : 2,
"to" : null,
"name" : "world news",
"filter" : false
} ]
} ]
"sortDir" : "desc",
"suggest" : "",
"tuning" : {
"clickWeight" : "10",
"tuneKey" : "2",
"tuneURL" : "5",
"tuneDoc" : "180",
"tuneDesc" : "3",
"tune" : true,
"tuneTitle" : "5",
"tuneURLWeight" : "10",
"tune.0" : "5",
"tune.1" : "3",
"tune.2" : "2",
"tune.3" : "5",
"tune.4" : "180",
"tune.5" : "10",
"tune.6" : "10"
"lastPage" : 218,
"highlight" : true,
"enddate" : "",
"sort" : "relevance",
"startdate" : "",
"ads" : [ ],
"currentPage" : 1,
"query" : "world",
"result" : [ {
"col" : "6",
"creationdate" : "2020-07-15T13:07:01.249Z",
"twitter:card" : "summary_large_image",
"og:site_name" : "CNN",
"keywords" : "world news, international news, world news today",
"description" : "View CNN <highlight>world</highlight> news today for international news and videos from Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East and the Americas.",
"click_count" : 1.0,
"section" : "world",
"language" : "en",
"vr:canonical" : "",
"title" : "<highlight>World</highlight> news – breaking news, videos and headlines - CNN",
"sb_boost" : 1.0,
"og:description" : "View CNN world news today for international news and videos from Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East and the Americas.",
"document_allow" : [ "unsecured" ],
"og:pubdate" : "2014-02-18T16:43:26Z",
"uid" : "e961bce18e0be2c3a020e51d05b4a152",
"colname" : "atest",
"alpha" : "World news – breaking news, videos ",
"sortdate" : "2020-07-15T13:07:01.071Z",
"lastmod" : "2020-07-07T10:01:53Z",
"pubdate" : "2014-02-18T16:43:26Z",
"twitter:title" : "World news – breaking news, videos and headlines - CNN",
"og:type" : "website",
"indexdate" : "2020-07-15T13:07:01.249Z",
"urllen" : 29.0,
"og:title" : "World news – breaking news, videos and headlines - CNN",
"fb:pages" : "5550296508,18793419640",
"url" : "",
"contenttype" : "HTML",
"referrer" : "unsafe-url",
"fb:app_id" : "80401312489",
"filename" : "",
"size" : "1347832",
"viewport" : "widthdevice-width, initial-scale1.0, minimum-scale1.0",
"old_uid" : "",
"twitter:description" : "View CNN world news today for international news and videos from Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East and the Americas.",
"lastmodified" : "2020-07-15T13:07:01.071Z",
"og:url" : "",
"crawldate" : "2020-07-15T13:06:55.162Z",
"es_metadata_id" : "e961bce18e0be2c3a020e51d05b4a152",
"context" : "<highlight>World</highlight> news – breaking news, videos and headlines - CNN <highlight>World</highlight> Africa Americas Asia Australia China Europe India Middle East United Kingdom Edition U.S. International Arabic Español Search CNN Open...Menu Africa Americas Asia Australia China Europe India Middle East United Kingdom Search Edition U.S. International Arabic Español <highlight>World</highlight> Africa Americas Asia Australia China Europe India Middle East...Shows A-Z CNNVR Features Call to Earth Freedom Project Impact Your <highlight>World</highlight> Inside Africa 2 Degrees CNN Heroes All Features More Photos Longform Investigations CNN Profiles CNN Leadership CNN Newsletters...",
"no" : "1"
} ],
"filter" : "",
"time" : 23.0
Attributes for New Search API Response
- This table lists the attributes in general search response for New Search API
Attribute | Description |
start | The hit or match number of the first search result on this page. |
hits | The number of hits or matches for the query. |
end | The hit or match number of the last search result on this page. |
facets | The facets enabled in the search URL. The list of facets will be available in the response based on the facet. field parameter provided in the search API URL. |
facet.count | facet field size specified in the URL. | | Name of the facet field. | | from attribute specific to the date and a numeric field. | | The count on the number of results with the specific value. | | to attribute specific to the date and numeric field | | The value for the facet. | | This attribute will be true if the value of the facet is specified in the facet filter attribute in the URL. |
sortdir | Indicates whether the search results are sorted in ascending or descending order. The possible values for this attribute are asc and desc. |
suggest | Spelling suggestions, if available. |
tuning | Tuning related parameters. |
tuning.clickweight | Descriptive Tuning parameter value for click count. |
tuning.tuneKey | Descriptive tuning parameter value for Keywords. |
tuning.tuneURL | Descriptive tuning parameter value for URL. |
tuning.tuneDoc | Descriptive tuning parameter value for Lastmodified date. |
tuning.tuneDesc | Descriptive tuning parameter value for Description |
tuning.tune | Tuning parameter value will be true when tuning is enabled and false otherwise. |
tuning.tuneTitle | Descriptive tuning parameter value for Title. |
tuning.tuneURLWeight | Descriptive tuning parameter value for the length of URL. |
tune.0 | Tuning parameter value for Title |
tune.1 | Tuning parameter value for Description. |
tune.2 | Tuning parameter value for Keywords. |
tune.3 | Tuning parameter value for URL. |
tune.4 | Tuning parameter value for lastmodified date. |
tune.5 | Tuning parameter value for URL length. |
tune.6 | Tuning parameter value for click count. |
lastPage | This indicates the last possible page number for this set of search results. |
highlight | When the highlight option is enabled in search settings the value would be true, otherwise, it would be false. |
enddate | Indicates the end date for the date range search. |
sort | Indicates how the search results are sorted. The possible values for this attribute are relevance, date, and alpha. |
startdate | Indicates the start date for the date range search. |
ads | Featured results for the search query |
currentPage | This indicates the current page number for this set of search results. |
query | The search query. |
result | The results element with multiple search results. The attributes of this element are listed in the next table. |
filter | Preset filter used for the query. |
time | Time is taken to return the results of the search query in seconds. |
pagesize | The number of search results per page. |
- This table lists the general attributes within each search result for New Search API
- These are the general fields.
- There will also be custom fields that will be indexed based on the meta tags and collection type indexed.
Element / Attribute | Description |
no | The order number of the search result. |
url | Search result document URL. |
lastmodified | Last modified date of the document. |
indexdate | Date the document was indexed. |
creationdate | Date the document was created. |
title | Title of the document. |
alpha | The text for the search result that is used for alphabetical sorting. |
keywords | The keywords contained in the document. |
contenttype | The format of the document. |
context | This is the fragment of the content where the search query appears. This is available only when the documents have been indexed with the Keyword-In-Context feature enabled. |
description | The description contained in the document. |
click_count | Count value which gets incremented based on clicking/viewing of corresponding search result. |
language | Language setting for the document. |
score | The relevance score for the document for this query. |
highlight | Indicates terms that have been highlighted. |
size | Document size in bytes. |
urllen | The length of the url. |
col | Collection number. |
colname | Collection name. |
filename | Name of file indexed. |
Updated about 2 years ago