Drupal Data Source
Configuring SearchBlox
Before using Drupal Data Source, install SearchBlox successfully and create a Custom Collection.

SearchBlox drupal Data Source is compatible with Drupal version 9.2.2.
Configuring Drupal Account
you need to enable JSON API extension by adding it to Drupal from local import
Download Link: https://www.drupal.org/project/jsonapi

Configuration details of Drupal Data Source
username | User Name |
password | Password |
data-directory | Data Folder where the data needs to be stored. Make sure it has write permission. |
api-key | SearchBlox API Key. API key would be available in Admin Dashboard Menu -> Admin ->Licence page |
colname | The name of the custom collection in SearchBlox. |
url | SearchBlox URL |
drupalurl | Drupal url http:///drupal/jsonapi/node/ |
drupalloginurl | Drupal login url http:///drupal/user/login?_format=json |
drupalcontenturl | Drupal content url http:///drupal/node/ |
max-folder-size | Maximum size of static folder after which it should be sweeped in MB. |
servlet url & delete-api-url: | Make sure that the port number is right. If your SearchBlox runs in 8080 port the URLs should be right by default. |
Updated over 2 years ago