Using A Large Language Model (LLM)

Using a Large Language Models (LLMs), we can generate new titles, descriptions and keywords for documents for a Collection within a SearchBlox Enterprise Search. All the documents in the collection can be updated with LLMs.




Technical Guide:

  • Leveraging LLMs: We use Llama-2-based modelfor best results.
  • Retrieving and Processing: The model retrieves all indexed documents directly from OpenSearch, the underlying search engine within SearchBlox.
  • Generating Enhanced Metadata:
    • Collect content from each document of a Collection
    • Pass the content through the LLM with a prompt.
    • The LLM processes the collected data and generates relevant titles, descriptions, and up to 20 keyword
  • Seamless Integration:
    • The generated metadata is sent back to Opensearch in JSON format.
    • It is updated within the document's metadata using document's uid.
    • Improvements are immediately reflected in the search results.

Generate Titles, Descriptions and Keywords using LLM

Using a Large Language Models (LLMs), we can now create titles, descriptions and keywords for any document.



  • Large Language Models (LLMs) improves the relevance of the search results, even with the poor quality metadata.
  • The new titles, descriptions, and keywords are generated systematically using LLMs, making them more comprehensive.

To generate titles, descriptions and keywords for Text/Images based on Llama-2-based model click on the following links: