Manage Collections

Manage Collections can be viewed under the Collections menu where we can manage all the collections and their associated settings.

Create, Edit, Refresh, Delete, Index, Clear, Clone, Filter and Search operations can be performed on the Collections.

Create a New CollectionNew Collection can be created using Create a New Collection or “+” icon.
Filter CollectionsCollections can be filtered based on the Collection Name.
Refresh CollectionsRefreshing can be done by clicking the Refresh icon after performing any actions
Delete CollectionDeleting single or multiple collections can be done by using Delete Collection.
Manual IndexCollection can be indexed manually by clicking the Play icon from the Actions tab.
Clear CollectionCollection can be cleared by clicking the "X" icon from the Actions tab.
Search CollectionIndexed documents can be searched by clicking the search icon from the Actions tab.
Clone CollectionCollection can be cloned by clicking on the Clone Collection icon

Clone Collection

The cloning functionality allows users to duplicate the existing collection effortlessly, by creating a new collection with identical data.

  • To clone a collection, click on the Clone Collection icon, as shown below.
  • Provide the Collection name for the popup shown, then click Clone button.
  • Once cloned, you can see the new collection with the cloned data.

Collection Dashboard Items

The Manage Collections page displays the following headers:

  • ID (Collection ID number)
  • Type (Collection Type)
  • Collection Name (Unique Collection Name)
  • Status (Indexing or Ready)
  • Last Updated (Date and time the index was last updated)
  • Queries (Number of queries that each collection has processed)
  • Documents (Number of documents currently in the index)
  • Language (Language used in the indexed data)
  • Actions (Possible actions that can be performed such as index, refresh, clear, configure collection, search, delete and clone)