
View status of Opensearch

SearchBlox requires Opensearch version 2.18.0 which is installed along with SearchBlox 10.8.

To view the status of Opensearch indices, please go to the following link in your browser:




You can find the Elasticsearch login credentials in the searchblox.yml file, found in the following file path:

Opensearch Settings in SearchBlox

Opensearch endpoint URL, credentials, and path of Opensearch installation are provided in <SEARCHBLOX_INSTALLATION_PATH>/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/searchblox.yml localhost
searchblox.elasticsearch.port: 9200
searchblox.elasticsearch.basic.username: **********
searchblox.elasticsearch.basic.password: ************
es.home: C:\SearchBloxServer\opensearch

Opensearch Settings

Opensearch settings can be managed within Opensearch YAML file available at <SEARCHBLOX_INSTALLATION_PATH>/opensearch/config/opensearch.yml

Bind Opensearch using Network Host

To access opensearch using an IP address, you will need to bind your network IP address by making a change in the file: <SEARCHBLOX_INSTALLATION_PATH>/opensearch/config/opensearch.yml
discovery.type: single-node

Note: You can also change to the required IP address.

Restart the SearchBlox Server for the changes to take effect and access opensearch if the IP address and port 9200 are allowed.

Disable SSL in Opensearch

To disable SSL please make the changes given as follows: <SEARCHBLOX_INSTALLATION_PATH>/opensearch/config/opensearch.yml true

After disabling SSL, it is required to update searchblox.elasticsearch.url in <SEARCHBLOX_INSTALLATION_PATH>/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/searchblox.yml

searchblox.elasticsearch.url: http://localhost:9200/
searchblox.basic.username: xxxxxxxxxxxx
searchblox.basic.password: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
es.home: C:\SearchBloxServer\elasticsearch

Change Path in Opensearch

To update the Opensearch path for the storage of index data, log files, and backup repo, edit the file: <SEARCHBLOX_INSTALLATION_PATH>/opensearch/config/opensearch.yml C:\SearchBloxServer\opensearch\data
  path.logs: C:\SearchBloxServer\opensearch\logs
  path.repo: C:\SearchBloxServer\backup\data

Change Password for Opensearch

Steps for changing the password in Opensearch in Windows

  • Go to C:\SearchBloxServer\opensearch\plugins\opensearch_security\tools
  • Run the command hash
  • You will get a prompt for a password, enter the password
  • You will get the hash value for the password

  • Copy the hash value and provide it across hash value for admin user in C:\SearchBloxServer\opensearch\config\opensearch_security\internal_users.yml

  • Go to C:\SearchBloxServer\opensearch\plugins\opensearch_security\tools
  • Run the following command:
securityadmin -cd ../securityconfig/ -icl -nhnv -cacert C:\SearchBloxServer\elasticsearch\config\root-ca.pem -cert C:\SearchBloxServer\elasticsearch\config\kirk.pem -key C:\SearchBloxServer\elasticsearch\config\kirk-key.pem
  • After running the command your password for opensearch will be updated, it is not required to restart Opensearch.

  • You can check by accessing https://localhost:9200 and using the new password for logging in.
  • After completing all the opensearch related steps mentioned above, update the password in C:\SearchBloxServer\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\searchblox.yml
    searchblox.basic.password: password@123
  • Restart SearchBlox for the changes to take effect.

Steps for changing the password in Opensearch in Linux

  • Go to /opt/opensearch/plugins/opensearch_security/tools
  • Run the command ./hash
  • You will get a prompt for a password, enter the password
  • You will get the hash value for the password
  • Copy the hash value and provide it across hash value for admin user in /opt/opensearch/config/opensearch_security/internal_users.yml
  • Go to /opt/opensearch/plugins/opensearch_security/tools
  • Run the following command
./securityadmin -cd ../securityconfig/ -icl -nhnv -cacert C:\SearchBloxServer\elasticsearch\config\root-ca.pem -cert C:\SearchBloxServer\elasticsearch\config\kirk.pem -key C:\SearchBloxServer\elasticsearch\config\kirk-key.pem
  • After running the command, your password for opensearch will be updated; it is not required to restart opensearch.

  • You can access https://localhost:9200 and use the new password for logging in.

  • After completing all the opensearch related steps mentioned above, update the password in /opt/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/searchblox.yml
    searchblox.basic.password: password@123

  • Restart SearchBlox for the changes to take effect.

Status of Opensearch Indices

If you have trouble viewing the collections from the Admin Dashboard, please check the Opensearch indices. Check the status of the indices using the URL:


  • The first column represents the status.

  • The status of the indices can be green or yellow.

  • A red status means that the index has crashed. You will need to delete the specific index and restart SearchBlox.

RED or CLOSED Indices

  • If the index status is red or closed, you can restart Opensearch. If a restart does not recover the index and change the status to green or yellow please follow the below options.

  • A red status of index mostly refers to the crashed index. The only solution is to delete the index, restart Opensearch and reindex the collection from SearchBlox.

  • When the status of the index is closed, you can open the index from the developer console in Kibana or using the curl command:

  • If your SearchBlox collection no is 1, that corresponds to is idx001 within Opensearch. If the index is closed then the following request can be sent from Kibana

        POST idx001/_open

    Alternatively, you can use the following curl command

        curl -k -u <username>:<password> -XPOST 'https://localhost:9200/idx001/_open?pretty=true'
  • If the index cannot be reopened, the only option is to delete the index, restart Opensearch and reindex the collection from SearchBlox.

        DELETE idx001

    Alternatively, you can use the following curl command

        curl -k -u <username>:<password> -XDELETE 'https://localhost:9200/idx002?pretty=true'

Please refer to the following sections using Kibana to work with Opensearch.

Delete Opensearch Index

You may need to delete the Opensearch index if you have the following problems:

  • You cannot access the index from the Admin Dashboard.

  • You cannot index or delete the collection.

  • Most importantly, if the status of the index is red or if it is not possible to open a closed index.

For example, if collection number 2 has crashed, that status will be shown next to idx002 in the Status of Indices.

Then you need to delete idx002 in Opensearch.

To delete an index directly, follow the steps:

  • To delete idx002 or any index that has turned red execute the following statement
    DELETE idx002
    You will get the following response once it is successfully completed:
    "acknowledged": "true"
  • Then, delete all the indices that you want to delete from Opensearch.
  • Restart Opensearch.

Using Kibana to access Opensearch

Kibana can be used to create visualizations with Opensearch data. Learn how to start and run Kibana Visualizations

Start Kibana and access Dev Tools from the left menu.

  • To view the indices, use the following command:
    GET _cat/indices

  • To delete an index, use the DELETE command:

DELETE idx001

  • If you want to clear index from opensearch that is delete all the data in an index say idx001 use the following command.
    Please note that all data in index 1 would be cleared out on using the above which cannot be retrieved again and the collection has to be reindexed.
POST idx009/_delete_by_query
    "query": {
    "match_all": {}
  • If you want to close or open indices that is close or open index say idx008 please use the requests:
    closing index
    POST idx008/_close
    opening index
    POST idx008/_open

Troubleshooting Oops Error:


Oops. There has been an error.

When the Admin screen can't be accessed please check the status of the Opensearch indices to find out if any index/indices got closed or turned to red status. To rectify such issues, please restart SearchBlox or recreate the Opensearch index/indices.

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