Uploading Search Front Ends

Uploading XSL Stylesheet

In SearchBlox, custom templates for regular search and plugins for faceted search can be uploaded from search settings. Go to Admin Menu -> Search -> Settings.


Click the Upload button at the bottom of the page.


Upload the XSL file using the upload dialog box as shown:


When finished, you will find that template in your list of templates under search settings.


Uploading Plugins

To upload a plugin, upload the zip file.


Then, you can access the plugin using the following link:

Rename the zip file for the plugin angular (or whatever name you prefer). Check that the folder is available in ../webapps/searchblox. If you need to replace the existing plugin folder, name the file plugin.zip. Also, make sure that the archived file has the contents of the plugin folder only (that is, index.html is available in that folder itself), otherwise your URL may vary based on the folder names used.