SearchBlox provides connectors to index content from applications that are not directly supported by SearchBlox through collections.
Please find the following list of connectors, on clicking the link you would be redirected to help page
Box Connector
Confluence Connector
Dropbox Connector
Filesystem Crawler
GitHub Connector
Google Drive Connector
Google Sites Connector
Alfresco Connector
Drupal Connector
One Drive Connector
Azure File Connector
Azure Blob Connector
Sharepoint 2013 Connector
SharePoint Online Connector
Slack Connector
Scheduling Connectors in Windows
It is possible to schedule a connector in Windows by using Task Scheduler in Windows.
Create a bat file with the following contents in the folder containing the connector exe file.
cd C:\folderpath
START connector.exe
The bat file with preceding contents can be scheduled in Task Scheduler to run at regular intervals as per your requirement.
Updated over 4 years ago