Search Parameters
SearchBlox supports a wide array of search parameters. These parameters can be provided in the search API URL and in the faceted search parameters.
Facet Filter Request Parameters
- New search API and search servlet API support a list of facet filter parameters, these parameters are used in SearchBlox faceted search pages for facet filters and also can be used in customized searches.
- To learn more on faceted search filter read: Facets Set up
Sample Search URLs with Facet Search Parameters
Sample search URLs with parameters for New Search API and Search Servlet API:
Sample New Search API URL with basic parameters
Sample Search Servlet API URL with basic parameters
Parameter | Default Value | Range of Values | Description |
facet | on | on | Enable facets |
facet.field | No default field | Any standard or custom field including term, number or date fields | Provides the ability to facet on any field |
facet.field.filter | No default field | Possible values of the meta field to be filtered | The facet value of the meta field that is used to filter the results |
facet.field.notfilter | No default field | Possible values of the meta field not to be filtered | The facet value of the meta field that is to be excluded in search results |
f.{fieldname}.size | 10 | 1-1000 | Sets the number of values returned |
f.{numericalFieldName}.range | No default field | Examples of range [TO100000], [1000TO100000], [100TO] | Sets of range of size for size field filtering |
f.{numericalFieldName}.filter | No default field | Possible values of size ranges (as in range above) to be filtered | Possible size value to filter search results |
f.{numericalFieldName}.range.notfilter | No default field | Possible values of size ranges (as in range above) not to be filtered | Possible size value to exclude in search results |
f.{datefieldname}.range | No default field | Examples of date ranges [*TO2012-02-28T00:00:26], [2010-02-28T00:00:26TO2012-02-28T00:00:26] | Sets the range of dates for the date field filtering |
f.{datefieldname}.interval | No default field | Possible values are minute, hour, day, week, month, quarter, year | Sets the date histogram period for date field faceting |
f.{datefieldname}.filter | No default field | Possible values of date ranges (as in range above) to be filtered | Possible date values to be filtered |
f.{datefieldname}.range.notfilter | No default field | Possible values of date ranges that is not to be filtered | Possible date values to be excluded |
Sample Search Query URLs with Parameters
Filter parameter
- http://localhost:8080/searchblox/servlet/SearchServlet?query=news&filter=title:CNN
- http://localhost:8080/searchblox/servlet/SearchServlet?query=news&filter=keywords:CNN
- http://localhost:8080/searchblox/servlet/SearchServlet?query=news&filter=content:CNN
- http://localhost:8080/searchblox/servlet/SearchServlet?facet=true&query=*&filter=title:(bbc%20OR%20Africa)&xsl=xml
- http://localhost:8080/searchblox/servlet/SearchServlet?facet=true&query=*&filter=title:(bbc%20AND%20Africa)&xsl=xml
- http://localhost:8080/searchblox/servlet/SearchServlet?facet=true&query=&filter=title:(bbc%20NOT%20Africa)&xsl=xml
Default Boolean operator
- search for
world OR news
http://localhost:8080/searchblox/servlet/SearchServlet?query=world news - search for
world AND news
http://localhost:8080/searchblox/servlet/SearchServlet?query=world news&default=AND
Facet Filters
Single Facet
- http://localhost:8080/searchblox/servlet/SearchServlet?facet=on&xsl=xml&query=time&facet.field=keywords
- http://localhost:8080/searchblox/servlet/SearchServlet?facet=on&xsl=xml&query=time&facet.field=keywords&f.keywords.filter=cnn
- http://localhost:8080/searchblox/servlet/SearchServlet?facet=on&xsl=xml&query=time&facet.field=keywords&f.keywords.size=100&f.keywords.filter=cnn
- http://localhost:8080/searchblox/servlet/SearchServlet?facet=on&xsl=xml&query=*&facet.field=keywords&f.keywords.size=100&f.keywords.notfilter=world
- http://localhost:8080/searchblox/servlet/SearchServlet?facet=on&xsl=json&query=*&facet.field=colname&f.colname.notfilter=test
Multiple Facets
- http://localhost:8080/searchblox/servlet/SearchServlet?facet=on&query=news&facet.field=title&facet.field=keywords&f.keywords.size=5&f.title.size=15&f.keywords.filter=cnn&f.title.filter=world
- http://localhost:8080/searchblox/servlet/SearchServlet?facet=on&query=news&facet.field=keywords&f.keywords.size=5&f.keywords.filter=cnn&facet.field=size&f.size.range=[*TO100000]&&f.size.range=[100001TO*]&facet.field=indexdate&f.indexdate.range=[*TO2013-07-28T00:00:26]
- http://localhost:8080/searchblox/servlet/SearchServlet?facet=on&query=news&facet.field=title&facet.field=keywords&f.keywords.size=5&f.title.size=15&f.keywords.notfilter=cnn&f.title.notfilter=world
Date Facets
Customized Date Facet
- date format to be given in html file
<meta name="published" content="2015-03-17T01:50:58"/>
- http://localhost:8080/searchblox/servlet/SearchServlet?facet=on&sort=published&sortdir=desc&query=*&facet.field=published&f.published.range=[2013-05-18T01:50:58TO2013-12-17T01:50:58]&f.published.filter=[2013-05-18T01:50:58TO2013-12-17T01:50:58]&page=1&pagesize=60&xsl=xml
Pre-defined Date Facet
- http://localhost:8080/searchblox/servlet/SearchServlet?facet=on&sort=lastmodified&sortdir=des&col=1&col=3&col=2&query=*&facet.field=lastmodified&f.lastmodified.range=[2012-06-20TO2013-10-22]&f.lastmodified.filter=[2012-06-20TO2013-10-25]&page=1&pagesize=100&xsl=xml
- http://localhost:8088/searchblox/servlet/SearchServlet?facet=on&sort=lastmodified&sortdir=des&query=*&facet.field=lastmodified&f.lastmodified.range.notfilter=[2012-06-20TO2015-10-22]&page=1&pagesize=100&xsl=xml
General Information
- Facet filters display results count JSON/XML.
- Facet filters are AND filters.
- Normal Filters can be used with AND as well as OR.
- Facet filters can only be given in URL.
- Filters can be given as a URL parameter or as fielded search.
- Use default=AND to enable AND search.
- View results in JSON or XML in a parametrized search to view the relevant response.* When
using Advanced Search use parameters specific to the same.
Updated over 4 years ago