Back up SearchBlox


  • Export the config file from Menu > Admin > Configuration.
  • Copy C:/SearchbloxServer/webapps/searchblox/WEB-INF/license.xml
  • Back up C:/SearchbloxServer, and rename the folder C:/SearchbloxServerOld


  • Export the config file from Menu > Admin > Configuration.
  • Copy /opt/searchblox/webapps/searchblox/WEB-INF/license.xml
  • Back up /opt/searchblox, and rename the folder /opt/searchbloxold



Very Important Note

You can upgrade to the next greater version using the following mentioned steps, however, we would not recommend upgrading from version 8.6.9 directly to version 9.x as the version of Elasticsearch is different. This may cause issues when upgrading directly. If you want to upgrade from 8.6.9 to 9.x, we recommend clean installation.

Windows Upgrade

To upgrade an existing SearchBlox installation on Windows, follow these steps:

  1. Stop the SearchBlox Windows service.
  2. Please ensure to backup the current installation folder as specified in the previous section by copying C:\SearchBloxServer to C:\SearchBloxServerOld
  3. Uninstall the Windows service by going to the folder and running C:\SearchBloxServer\services\bat\uninstallService.bat as an administrator.
  4. Delete the contents of C:\SearchBloxServer\
  5. Download the installer from and run the wizard.
  6. Prerequisites for upgrade
    Upgrading from 8.x version:
    If you are upgrading from 8.x version, please make sure that
    - You remove the environment variables related to Java 8
    - If there are other java versions installed in the system, please remove the references from the path variable.
    - Remove possible references to Java 8
    Upgrading from 9.x version:
    - Change the JAVA_HOME to SearchBlox jre as in the Windows Installation Guide
  7. Install SearchBlox as in the Windows Installation Guide
  8. Start Elasticsearch service and SearchBlox service using the steps provided in the guide Windows Installation Guide.
  9. Once the new server service starts up upload the license key and configuration file. Start indexing all the collections.
  10. If you have created custom pages or using custom plugins, copy them over from the old installation to the new one into the respective locations.
  11. To start Analytics please read: Steps to Start Analytics Server in Windows

Linux Upgrade

To upgrade an existing SearchBlox installation on Linux, follow these steps:

  1. Stop the SearchBlox service and back up the folder before performing the upgrade.
  2. Change the current installation folder name from /opt/searchblox to /opt/searchbloxold
    Upgrading from 8.x version:
    For clean install remove the following files (This is required for the changes made in new changes to reflect in the build)
    rm -rf /etc/init.d/searchblox
    rm -rf /opt/searchblox_unix64.tar.gz
    Upgrading from 9.x to 9.2:
    Uninstall the previous version using the command:
    yum remove searchblox
  3. Install the 9.2 version using the instructions
    Installing on Linux - Centos, RHEL
    Installing on Linux - Ubuntu
  4. After installing run the following commands to run the SearchBlox service successfully
    sudo systemctl daemon-reexec
    sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  5. Stop and Start SearchBlox
    Stop SearchBlox
    systemctl stop sbanalytics
    systemctl stop searchblox
    systemctl stop sbelastic
    Start SearchBlox
    systemctl start sbelastic
    systemctl start searchblox
    systemctl start sbanalytics
  6. Once the new server service starts up upload the license key and configuration file. Start indexing all the collections.
  7. If you have created custom pages or using custom plugins, copy them over from the old installation to the new one into the respective locations.

Upgrade Cluster

A clean installation is required for a cluster setup similar to standalone servers.
Cluster Setup in SearchBlox


Recovery or redeployment of SearchBlox may be required if the Elasticsearch index gets corrupted or SearchBlox is shut down incorrectly.
It is always recommended to run SearchBlox as a service. If a shutdown is planned, make sure to stop the SearchBlox service and then shut down the system.

To redeploy SearchBlox, follow the same procedure for an upgrade:

  • Export the config file from Admin -> Menu -> Configuration.
  • Make a copy of the license file.
  • Make a back-up copy of the installed SearchBlox folder.
  • Install SearchBlox and update the license and config file.


Important Information

  • If you need the data indexed from the previous build, the content can be found in the ../elasticsearch/data folder. You can copy this folder into the new build after updating the license and config file. Make sure to use the same config file so that the indexed data is mapped correctly.
  • This is applicable only for 9.x versions.