SharePoint 2010 Data Source

Configuring SearchBlox

Before using the SharePoint 2010 Data Source, install SearchBlox successfully, then create a Custom Collection.


Configuration details of SharePoint 2010 Data Source

Accessing Connector UI

usernameSharePoint account User Name
passwordSharepoint account Password
data-directoryData Folder where the data needs to be stored. Make sure it has write permission.
api-keySearchBlox API Key
colnameThe name of the custom collection in SearchBlox.
urlSearchBlox URL
domainSharePoint 2010 domain URL
include-formatsFile formats to include.
exclude-foldersFolders to exclude in Alfresco.
max-folder-sizeMaximum size of static folder after which it should be sweeped in MB.
servlet url & delete-api-url:Make sure that the port number is right. If your SearchBlox runs in 8080 port the URLs should be right.
log-file-maxSize, log-file-maxBackups, log-file-maxAgespecified the size, backup and age limit for log files to be deleted