Through Insights we can view the reports based on Search Queries Performance, URLs For Optimization, Best Performing Urls, Trends.
Search Queries Performance - A summary of queries that returned results and grouped on the basis of the number of URL clicks the query received from multiple users.
Top Performing Queries - Queries that received the maximum number of URL clicks from users and the average position of the documents that were clicked on.

Low Performing Queries - Queries that received the minimum number of URL clicks (Not Zero) from users and the average position of the documents that were clicked on.

URLs For Optimization - URLs that were clicked by the user but the position of the document is greater than 10 (Normally not the first page of results). These URLs can be positioned better using Mrank for associated queries.

Best Performing URLs - URLs that received the most clicks from users. Provides insights on the document most viewed or searched for by the users.

Trends - A report on queries made by users with respect to time. Provides insights on user search across various timelines and what exactly are users looking for at a particular point in time.

Updated over 3 years ago