Caddy can be set up to distribute load among the Search servers within the Cluster.

Install caddy service

  1. Open a command prompt, go to C:\SearchBloxServer\caddy and run the command
    caddy-service.exe install
  1. To start the Caddy service, go Control Panel > System and Security > Administrative Tools > Services and then Start the Caddy Web Server.

Load Balancer Configuration

  1. Open the file Caddyfile under the path <SearchBlox-Installation-Directory>/caddy and add the below sample code configuration as required to setup Load Balancer from Index Server. Provide Search Server1 IP and Search Server2 IP.
:80 {
        # Set this path to your site's directory.
        root * /usr/share/caddy
        # Enable the static file server.
        # Another common task is to set up a reverse proxy:
        # reverse_proxy localhost:8080
        reverse_proxy https://Server1_IP:8443 https://Server2_IP:8443 {
                        lb_policy round_robin
                        lb_try_duration 5s
                        health_status 200
                        health_interval 10s
                        fail_duration 30s
          transport http {
  1. Restart caddy service once by saving Caddyfile.

Uninstall caddy

  1. Go to services and Stop the Caddy webserver
  1. Open Command Prompt, go to C:\SearchBloxServer\caddy and run the command
    caddy-service.exe uninstall