CSV Data Source

CSV Data Source is used to index all the parameters listed in CSV file. The data file would be a CSV file which should have at least one column with the list of URLs.

Configuring SearchBlox

Before using CSV Data Source, install SearchBlox successfully and create a Custom Collection.


Configuring CSV Data Source

  • All the files related to the data source should be available in the same folder that is, all files should be extracted into the same folder.
  • The CSV data file should have a column with URL field as in the following screenshot:
  • Download the SearchBlox Connector UI. Extract the downloaded zip to a folder.

Contact support@searchblox.com to request the download link for SearchBlox Connectors UI. The following steps include the example paths for both Windows as well as Linux. In Windows, the connector would be installed in the C drive.

  • Unzip the archive under C: or /opt.
  • Create a data folder on your drive where the files would be temporarily stored.
  • Configure the following properties once you create a data source in the connector UI.
    For accessing connector UI refer the following link:
    Connectors UI



In Linux, make sure that necessary permissions have been provided to the folder /opt by using the CHMOD command for writing log files and executing jar files.

API KEYSearchBlox API Key
colnameThe name of the custom collection in SearchBlox.
URLSearchBlox URL
data-directoryPath where the connector and other data files are stored
data-directory-csvName of the CSV file to index(eg: test.csv)