Update Scheduler - /rest/collection/updateScheduler

JSON Payload

XML TagAttributeValue
apikeyAPI key accessible in the SearchBlox Admin Console. It is also present in the config.xml file.
colnameName of the Collection
indexfrequencySpecifies the frequency of indexing of web documents. The values can be ONCE, DAILY, MINUTELY, WEEKLY and MONTHLY.
timestampSpecifies the timestamp when the indexing has to start. Eg: 21-01-2016 19:05:00.
clearfrequencySpecifies the frequency of clearing of indexed documents. The values can be ONCE, DAILY, MINUTELY, WEEKLY and MONTHLY.
timestampSpecifies the timestamp when the clearing has to occur. Eg: 21-01-2016 19:05:00.
refreshfrequencySpecifies the frequency of refreshing of web documents. The values can be ONCE, DAILY, MINUTELY, WEEKLY and MONTHLY.
timestampSpecifies the timestamp when the refreshing has to start. Eg: 21-01-2016 19:05:00.
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